Clients from abroad

Our clinic is opened for clients from abroad. Discover our opening hours, information about our 24-hour emergency hotline, and explore the wide range of services we provide for your beloved pets.

Opening hours

Monday – Friday
8:00 – 19:00

8:00 – 12:00

Sunday and oudside office hours
Outside office hours, you can contact the 24-hour emergency service at +421 905 478 536

If you need to make an appointment for a routine examination, contact our reception.

Our services

Preventive animal medicine

Vaccination, protection against external / internal parasites, nutritional advice, sale of nutritional supplements and feeds…

Animal dentistry

Dental treatment – ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, extraction of damaged teeth, extraction of persistent milk teeth.

Laboratory examinations

We provide accurate laboratory tests that help uncover hidden health problems and allow us to diagnose them quickly and accurately.


Comprehensive cardiology examination (X-ray, ECG, USG), preventive examination for breeding, treatment and monitoring of the disease…


Whether it’s routine surgeries or challenging procedures, your pets are in the safe hands of our expert team.


Clinical and X-ray examination for lameness, limb deformities, preparation of official radiographs for breeding…


Vaccination is key to ensuring the long-term health of your pet. It helps prevent serious diseases etc…

24-hour emergency service

We are here for your pets even in times of need, at any time of the day or night.

Chipping + Pet Passports

With our microchipping, we provide your pets with a permanent identification record to help them find their way back to you if they get lost.


Our dermatological care focuses on solving your pet’s skin problems, whether it’s itching or other uncomfortable conditions.

Eye treatments

Basic eye examination, Schirmer test (tear production), fluorescein test (corneal damage)…